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Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Year of the Pig everyone!

This year is predicted to be an amazing year for most Zodiac signs due to the natural element of the earth pig. It is also said to be a more grounded year due to the nature of a pig which is sturdy, determined and generous.

So let's celebrate this amazing year by playing some of the best "Catch the Pig" games our students made just for this occasion.These games even have a bonus feature to help generate a random lucky number. Who knows, you could even use it for lottery tickets if you want.

Scroll down below and give them a try.

Watch out and don't let the Lion catch you!


- Catch the Golden Pig to win the game, but watch out for the Lion.

Tip [How to move the Little Monster] :

< On a Phone or Tablet >

"Touch" and "Hold-Down" the screen to move

< On a Computer >

"UP" arrow key or "W" = To move UP

"DOWN" arrow key or "S" = To move DOWN

"RIGHT" arrow key or "D" = To move RIGHT

"LEFT" arrow key or "A" = To move LEFT

Side - note or Warning : Some of the games use a mouse pointer instead of the keyboard.

Not having enough fun? Check out our other student projects here.





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